3 Tips To Help You Save Up To Buy A House

Posted on: 24 April 2017

If you recently got married and are hoping to buy a house in the next year or two, you might want to seek help from a financial planner to find ways to save more money. Buying a house will require having a down payment, but saving money is not always easy to do. If you need help creating a plan to save money for this purpose, a visit to a financial planner can make a difference. [Read More]

Understanding Annuities: Fixed Vs. Variable

Posted on: 3 December 2015

Annuities provide another investment option for your retirement plan and can be a useful product to take advantage of that offers benefits not found in IRA's or traditional brokerage accounts. They can be a confusing product to understand so it is always a good idea to consult the advice of a financial advisor before making any decisions about your retirement plan. An annuity is a life insurance product that allows you (the annuitant) to receive a guaranteed stream of income during your retirement years by paying into the annuity with either regular payments or larger investments, which can be contributed at the investors choosing. [Read More]