
  • Funding An IRA For The Nonworking Spouse Of A 401(K) Participant

    A nonworking spouse in a married couple may perform years of unpaid work carrying out household and family duties. Most retirement accounts can be held in the name of only one individual, so the working spouse is usually the registered owner of any 401(k) funds. As a practical matter, a married 401(k) owner is likely to view the account as a joint asset. However, a participant in a 401(k) plan may also fund an individual retirement account for a nonworking spouse. [Read More]

  • 4 Ways A Financial Planner Can Help You

    If you're not fully satisfied with your current financial situation or how you handle your own financial affairs, it may be time to consider getting professional help. There are financial planners who are able to help you with a variety of financial needs. Keep reading to better understand the many ways in which a financial planner can help you. Handle Your Taxes Correctly Many people find taxes to be confusing. They don't understand which forms to use or don't know the best ways to get the best possible tax breaks. [Read More]

  • IRA Fiduciary Duty For Brokers, Planners, And Investors

    Annual investments in an IRA help set a course for the future that may lead to a more comfortable retirement. An IRA operates much like a mutual fund, but with a few differences. Mainly, IRA deductions are tax deductible and money cannot be withdrawn without penalty until a set retirement age is reached. Those planning for retirement a little late in life do need to be very careful how their funds are invested. [Read More]

  • Financial Stability Is There Within Your Grasp

    Financial health is something that everyone strives for, and it can bring a lot of peace knowing that you are in a good financial position. On the reverse side, if you are worrying about money all of the time, it is hard to truly enjoy life. Good financial planning is something that is very important. There are a few different things that you are going to want to do in order to have the most financial stability and financial health. [Read More]

  • Planning For Retirement: Three Tips

    Thinking of retirement can lead to both pleasant and fearful thoughts. While you may be able to sleep-in and take up new hobbies, you might wonder if you will be able to support yourself without the same earning power as you have today. Starting to plan for your retirement now can help you feel confident and comfortable with your future life, but it's important to consider the following pointers. Set Goals [Read More]

  • Catching Up: 3 Retirement Strategies For Those With A Late Start

    Nowadays, 50% of Americans retire between the ages of 61 and 65. To achieve this, most Americans have retirement plans in place that will ensure that they will still be financially afloat even after they decide to quit the workforce. If you haven't put much thought into retirement until now, you might feel that you're behind on the game. This article looks at 3 retirement strategies that are perfect for those who have a late start. [Read More]

  • 3 Tips To Help You Save Up To Buy A House

    If you recently got married and are hoping to buy a house in the next year or two, you might want to seek help from a financial planner to find ways to save more money. Buying a house will require having a down payment, but saving money is not always easy to do. If you need help creating a plan to save money for this purpose, a visit to a financial planner can make a difference. [Read More]

  • Understanding Annuities: Fixed Vs. Variable

    Annuities provide another investment option for your retirement plan and can be a useful product to take advantage of that offers benefits not found in IRA's or traditional brokerage accounts. They can be a confusing product to understand so it is always a good idea to consult the advice of a financial advisor before making any decisions about your retirement plan. An annuity is a life insurance product that allows you (the annuitant) to receive a guaranteed stream of income during your retirement years by paying into the annuity with either regular payments or larger investments, which can be contributed at the investors choosing. [Read More]